
Degree Programs

The program cultivates individuals with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the fields of English literature, linguistics, translation studies, and TESOL.

The program aims to

  • Foster individuals who possess a progressive outlook, analytical thinking skills, and a deep appreciation for the English language and its literature.
  • Provide students with a comprehensive understanding of English language and literature through interdisciplinary studies that bridge various fields, including linguistics, cultural studies, and digital humanities.
  • Boast several unique advantages, such as a faculty comprised of experts in various fields, a supportive learning environment that encourages individual growth, and diverse research opportunities that allow students to delve into their particular areas of interest.
  • Prepare students for a wide range of careers, including academia, journalism, publishing, and the public sector.

We hope that our program will be the perfect fit for those who seek to pursue a career in the ever-changing and exciting world of English language and literature.