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Jeonju University, Hold ‘Gloves Sharing Campaign’ for Foreign Students in Winter
작성일: 2019-12-17 조회수: 433 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 전주대, 외국인 유학생 겨울나기 ‘장갑 나눔 캠페인’ 전개.png 파일의 QR Code 전주대, 외국인 유학생 겨울나기 ‘장갑 나눔 캠페인’ 전개.png  전주대, 외국인 유학생 겨울나기 ‘장갑 나눔 캠페인’ 전개.png

Jeonju University, Hold ‘Gloves Sharing Campaign’ for Foreign Students in Winter

On 19th, Jeonju University International Exchange Center conducted a ‘winter glove sharing campaign’ for foreign students to help them enjoy a warm winter.

Most students who received the gloves are from Vietnam and other tropical regions and spend their first winter in Korea. Their main means of transportation are bicycles, and professors and local residents have joined forces, considering the unfortunate scene of riding a bicycle with bare hands in the unfamiliar cold.

They purchased winter gloves with donations raised through Thanksgiving services and community sponsorships and delivered these gloves to about 500 foreign students. An official at Jeonju University reveals a plan to provide winter gloves to all 1,500 students studying abroad through an additional fundraising campaign.

President of Jeonju University, Hoin Lee said that “University members and local residents are making efforts to help foreign students, who come to Korea to study, well adapt to the winter cold that they faced for the first time and feel the same warmth as they feel from their families.”