

News 게시글의 상세 화면
Jeonju University, Won the Grand Prize in the Education Category on the Social Media Awards
작성일: 2019-12-17 조회수: 362 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 전주대, 대한민국소셜미디어대상 교육부문 대상 수상.jpg 파일의 QR Code 전주대, 대한민국소셜미디어대상 교육부문 대상 수상.jpg  전주대, 대한민국소셜미디어대상 교육부문 대상 수상.jpg

Jeonju University, Won the Grand Prize in the Education Category on the Social Media Awards

- Expand contact points with customers and establish brand image through SNS, and receive high evaluation for effectiveness and activation of high contents -

Jeonju University won the grand prize in the education category at the ‘12th Korea Social Media Awards’ organized by the Korea Internet Communication Association and sponsored by the Ministry of Science, Technology, Information and Communication.

The Korea Social Media Communication Awards is an event that recognizes and awards excellent customer-oriented communication marketing using SNS. With about 200 companies and about 150 public institutions participating, Jeonju University is selected as the most actively communicating educational institution with customers after quantitative data and qualitative customer evaluations based on the Internet Communication Index, the Social Communication Index, and the Content Competitiveness Index.

Jeonju University receives a composite index AAA of 83.51 points which is higher than the average score of 76.12 points for the top 100 companies and 76.68 points for the top 100 public institutions.Creative content creation reflecting the latest trends and content effectiveness leading to the participation of high-customers contributed to the positive assessment.

The biggest characteristics of Jeonju University SNS channel and contents are universality and differentiation. It is simultaneously producing differentiated ‘school contents’ that school members can share and communicate with and ‘general content’ that allows middle and high school students, other universities’ students, and ordinary citizens to enjoy and sympathize with. For this reason, there are always many people visiting and communicating on Jeonju University SNS.

The main differentiated ‘school contents’ include ‘Find a Superstar’ and ‘Introducing the Departments of Jeonju University.’ These contents promote students and faculties with unusual careers, like the slogan ‘University that Raises Superstars,’ and produce introductory videos of departments in line with recent issues and trends. ‘Just Say it’ and ‘VLOG of university life’ are ‘general contents’ that anyone can easily watch, enjoy, and get information.
Moreover, a PR ambassador consisting of students participated directly in the production of SNS contents, producing promotional materials tailored to the latest trends and customer’s taste, and bringing interactive communication that formed a bond of sympathy.

The official of the Office of Foreign Communications and Cooperation said that “We is operating SNS channels so that users can get quality information while enjoying the contents. I hope not only students at Jeonju University but also ordinary citizens visit Jeonju University SNS to communicate comfortably and enjoy themselves.”