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Jeonju University, Provides ‘Healthy Student Abroad Life Support’ Free Medical Treatment for International Students
작성일: 2019-06-18 조회수: 652 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 전주대, 국제학생 ‘건강한 유학생활 지원’ 무료 진료 진행.jpg 파일의 QR Code 전주대, 국제학생 ‘건강한 유학생활 지원’ 무료 진료 진행.jpg  전주대, 국제학생 ‘건강한 유학생활 지원’ 무료 진료 진행.jpg

Jeonju University, Provides ‘Healthy Student Abroad Life Support’ Free Medical Treatment for International Students

On 30th, Jeonju University provided free medical treatment for about 150 international students in cooperation with the Bridge Medical Association (BMA).

On this day, the chairman of the Bridge Medical Association, Seong-nam Jeong (a director of Top Orthopedic hospital), 15 professional medical staffs, and about 80 volunteers from dental, medical, nursing, and pharmacology schools participated in this event. Through pre-booking, the international students were examined by various specialists, including dentistry, internal medicine, surgery, family medicine, orthopedics, imaging medicine, and dermatology, and prescribed medicine depending on symptoms.

For accurate diagnosis and prescription, interpreters from different countries participated. It also provided systematic treatment in conjunction with local hospitals for students who need continuous counseling and treatment.

Institute of International Exchange in Jeonju University (Director In-pyeong Ryu) has invited professional medical staff to provide free medical treatment four times a year since three years ago, with a goal of ‘supporting healthy study abroad life.’

Walgaarman (Mongol), an international student in Jeonju University, said “I could not go to the hospital by myself even though I was sick because of communication difficulty. Since they regularly visited to provide free medical treatment, I could stay healthy and concentrate on my studies.”

The chairman of the Bridge Medical Association, Seong-nam Jeong said “The number of international students is increasing, but due to various circumstances, not all of them are receiving medical benefits. It is a small talent, but I am happy to share it for their healthy life, and I hope it will help students to achieve their dreams.”

Meanwhile, Jeonju University has signed agreements with six medical institutions around the university to support medical expenses of international students in order to help the healthy study life of about 1,400 international students.