

News 게시글의 상세 화면
Jeonju University, Meet the Certification Standards for All 10 2019 College Institute Evaluation
작성일: 2019-12-17 조회수: 420 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 전주대, 2019 대학기관평가인증 10개 부문 모두 인증기준 충족.jpg 파일의 QR Code 전주대, 2019 대학기관평가인증 10개 부문 모두 인증기준 충족.jpg  전주대, 2019 대학기관평가인증 10개 부문 모두 인증기준 충족.jpg

Jeonju University, Meet the Certification Standards for All 10 2019 College Institute Evaluation

In the ‘2019 College Institute Evaluation,’ held by Korean University Accreditation Institute in Korean Council for University education evaluation, Jeonju University (University president Hoin Lee) has maintained its certification by meeting the certification standards in 5 areas and 10 sectors.

‘College Institute Evaluation’ is a system that verifies the overall management of institutions, including management, education, facilities, and social responsibility of universities. ‘Certified university’ means that it has the quality of education that the higher education relational status and universities want to implement, and that it has continuously improved its operations.

In this evaluation, Jeonju University meets the certification standards of all 10 evaluation categories (college management, college finance, curriculum, professor·education, professors, employees, education facilities, student support, university performance, and social responsibility) and maintained the accreditation of university institutions that had been applied from the first period (2014) until 2023.

Jeonju University has adopted the ‘onSTAR’ system to comprehensively manage and provide feedbacks students’ ability capacity development, and has been highly evaluated for systematically operating the curriculum, from establishment of the curriculum to learning and management with the ‘head office of educational innovation’ as the center, which serves as the control tower for all curriculum, including education and majors.

University president Hoin Lee said that “All members of the university have been working to ensure that every section of the university is operated organizationally from education to research, volunteering service, and facilities. Instead of satisfying with the results of the certification, we will try harder to become a university that students, parents, businesses, and community can trust.”

Meanwhile, institutional assessment certification is utilized for various administrative and financial support projects by the government, and it has ▲ the effect of ensuring the quality of higher education ▲ establishing a quality assurance system for higher education and securing objective information for financial support ▲ establishing the foundation for promoting exchange and cooperation through the expansion of international usability of higher education, and etc.