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Jeonju University, Selected as the Only University Leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Jeonbuk Region
작성일: 2018-05-14 조회수: 420 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 전주대, 전북유일 4차산업혁명 혁신선도대학 선정.jpg 파일의 QR Code 전주대, 전북유일 4차산업혁명 혁신선도대학 선정.jpg  전주대, 전북유일 4차산업혁명 혁신선도대학 선정.jpg

Jeonju University, Selected as the Only University Leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Jeonbuk Region

Our university is the only one to be selected in Jeonbuk region for ‘the fourth industrial revolution leading university’ business organized by the ministry of education and the Korea Research Foundation.

This business selects 10 out of 55 universities across the country that are carrying out the project called “socially-tailored, industry-academic leading universities (LINC+)” and supports these schools with 1 billion won per year for four years to foster creative talents for the future society in a massive wave of the fourth industrial revolution.

With this selection of the leading university, our university will push ahead with the educational revolution to foster talents for the fourth industrial revolution by improving education process and education environment for IoT fusion of information, 4C abilities, and problem-solving ability.

Also, through this business application, our university selected the field of IoT technology based on local living culture and set its vision as “the realization of a smart, human-centered life.”

Since “Training of Korean style smart living (clothes, food, house) based on IoT technology” is a target of education, it focused on fostering specialized talents in order to realize local’s rich traditional lifestyle into internationally competitive and human-centered Korean smart life by using IoT technology.

As the first phase of the project, this business formed 4IR smart living unit (the head, professor Donguk Han) composed of five departments of smart media, industrial design, fashion industry, Korean cuisine, and architecture. This unit will establish a model for fostering innovative human resources leading in the era of the fourth industrial revolution with a total of 4 billion won as a support over the past four years.

Professor Song Ju, who prepared the project as the head of LINC+ business, said that with the selection of this project, it is expected that the local traditional living culture will be reborn as a new industry in the fourth industrial revolution by combining with IoT technology. He succeeded to make his department to get a title of “the department of industrial design with specialized science based on the traditional culture” supported by the ministry of education in 2016. Along with the past achievement, he made another great achievement for the industrialization of local traditional cultures.

The principal of the university, Hoin Lee expressed his thought by saying that “Under the selection of the leading university of the fourth industrial revolution, Jeonju university will continue to study and expand the local based specialized field of new industry. Also, as a local university, we will continue our efforts to achieve co-prosperity with the region.”