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Jeonju University, the Only One in Honam Region to be Selected for “10 Consecutive Years” in Initial Start-up Package Pr
작성일: 2020-04-27 조회수: 572 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 창업지원단, 호남권 유일 ‘10년 연속’ 2020년 초기창업패키지사업 주관기관 선정.jpg 파일의 QR Code 창업지원단, 호남권 유일 ‘10년 연속’ 2020년 초기창업패키지사업 주관기관 선정.jpg  창업지원단, 호남권 유일 ‘10년 연속’ 2020년 초기창업패키지사업 주관기관 선정.jpg

Jeonju University, the Only One in Honam Region to be Selected for “10 Consecutive Years” in Initial Start-up Package Project in 2020
- About 80 billion won worth of business over the next three years (`20~22 year)

Jeonju University (Chancellor Hoin Lee) said it has been selected in “2020 Initial start-up package support project,” organized by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and the Korea Institute of Startup and Entrepreneurship Development, for 10 consecutive years.

The initial start-up package is a project that universities with excellent start-up infrastructure and public, and private institutions support early start-up companies (within three years), and it helps companies commercialize and grow start-up items by operating funding and item verification programs.

Jeonju University provided a total of 1.04 billion won to 16 promising companies last year, and operated various start-up programs such as mentoring, securing intellectual property, supporting market development. This year, it plans to operate the start-up support system that is unique to Jeonju University and optimized for projects in regional specialized areas, focusing on pioneering the market which the early start-ups are most struggling.

Ki-heung Jeon, the head of the start-up support group, said that “we feel heavy responsibility for being selected for the initial start-up package project for the 10th consecutive year. Through collaboration with local networks, we will find and verify potential early start-ups and help them grow into sustainable start-up enterprises.”

Recruitment of early start-up package (preliminary) start-ups will be made through  a portal site ‘K-Startup(www.k-startup.go.kr)’ for start-ups with excellent start-up ideas or advanced technologies. Jeonju University plans to select (preliminary) start-ups with less than three years and support up to 100 million won in funds and also start-up space, mentoring, and pioneering the market.