

News 게시글의 상세 화면
Jeonju University, ‘installing HATCH LONDON’ the first step of small and medium sized ventures in Europe
작성일: 2018-08-15 조회수: 467 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 전주대, ‘해치런던 설치’ 중소벤처기업의 유럽 진출 첫발.jpg 파일의 QR Code 전주대, ‘해치런던 설치’ 중소벤처기업의 유럽 진출 첫발.jpg  전주대, ‘해치런던 설치’ 중소벤처기업의 유럽 진출 첫발.jpg

Jeonju University, ‘installing HATCH LONDON’ the first step of small and medium sized ventures in Europe

-Jeonju University LINC+ installed ‘HATCH LONDON’ which is the global academy-industrial cooperation center-

On July 29th in London, LINC+ in Jeonju University (the head, Song Ju) had a ceremony for the global academy-industrial cooperation agreement with London Branch of World Federation of Overseas Korean Traders Associations (OKTA) and the signboard hanging ceremony for ‘HATCH LONDON’ which is the global academy-industrial cooperation center.

OKTA was formed in 1981 in all countries of the world centered around the United States and Japan as Korean trader organization, and is the world’s largest overseas Korean economy organization with 147 branch offices in 74 countries around the world.

With the support from the Ministry of Education, LINC+ in Jeonju University plans to expand the academy-industrial cooperation center to the branches of OKTA beginning with the agreement with the London branch. This would enable active support for students to get jobs in foreign countries and small-medium venture companies in Jeonbuk region to success in the global market.

In this agreement ceremony with the London branch, LINC+ in Joenju University has agreed on having a meeting and a product briefing with Jeonbuk startups ministry (the president, Inho Lee) for small-medium venture companies in Jeonbuk region to enter the Europe market by inviting the OKTA branch managers from Europe regions such as London, Paris, Frankfurt, Barcelona, Budapest, Istanbul, Stockholm, Visckek, etc and CIS region to Jeonju.

Jeollabuk-do Province is not only considered as the best place for providing high value products based on K-Culture to Korean businessmen in Europe, but also is expected to provide new opportunities to small-medium venture companies in Jeonbuk region through active efforts for entering the global market with OKTA Europe branch