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As a School Ambassador, Jeonju University Having Appointment Ceremony
작성일: 2018-07-03 조회수: 483 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 홍보대사 위촉식 진행, 베트남 홍보 첫발.jpg 파일의 QR Code 홍보대사 위촉식 진행, 베트남 홍보 첫발.jpg  홍보대사 위촉식 진행, 베트남 홍보 첫발.jpg

As a School Ambassador, Jeonju University Having Appointment Ceremony

First Step to Promote in Vietnam

On 9th, Jeonju university appointed 27 Jeonju university students as ‘honorary ambassador for Jeonju university’ and awarded the appointment letter. Especially, five Vietnamese students were the most notable among honorary ambassadors.

Jeonju university is operating the communal campus in Tu Son, Vietnam with HUBT(Hanoi University of Business and Technology) university. Since the number of Vietnamese students on campus increased to 33 in 2016, 197 in 2017, and 309 in present, practically, they are the second largest customer.

The newly appointed ambassadors will be trained about service manners and various multimedia. After the training, they will participate in activities to enhance the impression of their school by producing various promotional materials like news videos and promoting on the fields through campus tour and visiting a high school for a school information session.

The president of Jeonju university, Lee Hoin said that “The honorary ambassadors are the face of the university. Please try to promote the university from now on.”

Meanwhile, Jeonju university’s honorary ambassador, which has been existing for 23 years, is not only taking a role as a model but also serving as a place for communication among students by producing contents that suit the taste of their peers. Jeonju university’s Facebook page has about 34,000 followers.