전주대학교 이기훈교수



대학원_예술치료 게시글의 상세 화면
세미나 논문
작성일: 2021-08-30 조회수: 274 작성자: 이기훈
첨부 : Development and Psychometric Validation of the Music Receptivity Scale.pdf 파일의 QR Code Development and Psychometric Validation of the Music Receptivity Scale.pdf  Development and Psychometric Validation of the Music Receptivity Scale.pdf ,   self-assessing-music-therapy-the-validity-and-reliabilit_2019_the-arts-in-p.pdf 파일의 QR Code self-assessing-music-therapy-the-validity-and-reliabilit_2019_the-arts-in-p.pdf  self-assessing-music-therapy-the-validity-and-reliabilit_2019_the-arts-in-p.pdf
