


Admission Criteria and Progression Conditions

The program information tables on this page detail the admission criteria for your Jeonju University program, as well as conditions you need to meet to progress to your degree.

Korean Language and Academic Entry Requirements

  • For all Jeonju University programs, you need to meet the Korean language proficiency requirement, even though you do not, we will let you in our undergraduate program through “Pathway”, and help you organize a Korean language program at your Korean language institution.

  • For all Jeonju University programs, you also need to meet the overall academic entry requirement; a list of international qualifications equivalent to Korean high school is provided in the academic entry requirement.

Conditions for Progressing to your Jeonju University Transfer

  • If you wish to transfer, you will need to complete at least 2 years or acquire 65 credits in your university or graduate from 3 years colleges to be eligible to progress.

Application Schedule

  • Stay in the know for all the application dates and deadlines for when you apply to Jeonju University. Be sure you have all the correct information for when your materials need to be submitted. Check with our staff complete details on our admission schedule and important dates.


College of Humanities
Dept. of Theology and Doxology Dept. of History and Culture Contents Dept. of English Language and Culture
Dept. of Japanese Language and Culture Dept. of Chinese Language and Sinology Dept. of Korean Language and Literature
College of Social Sciences
Dept. of Police Science Dept. of Library and Information Science Dept. of Law
Dept. of Social Welfare Dept. of Counseling Psychology Dept. of Public Administration
College of Business Administration
Dept. of Business Administration Dept. of Economics Dept. of Finance and Insurance
Dept. of Logistics and International Trade Dept. of Real Estate Dept. of Accounting and Tax
Dept. of IT Finance    
College of Medical Sciences
Dept. of Nursing Dept. of Physical Therapy Dept. of Radiological Science
Dept. of Health Management Dept. of Occupational Therapy Dept. of Functional Food and Biotechnology
Dept. of Rehabilitation Dept. of Environment Science and Biotechnology Dept. of Exercise Prescription
College of Engineering
Dept. of Architectural Engineering Dept. of Architecture (five-year program) Dept. of Mechanical Systems Engineering
Dept. of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Dept. of Industrial Engineering Dept. of Fire Safety Engineering
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Dept. of Information and Communication Engineering Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Dept. of Carbon and Nano Materials Engineering Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering  
College of Cultural Convergence
Dept. of Game Contents Dept. of Smart Media Dept. of Sports Coaching
Dept. of Performing Arts and Broadcast Acting Dept. of Industrial Design Dept. of Physical Education
Dept. of Visual Communication Design Dept. of Film and TV Dept. of Creative Arts Psychotherapy
Dept. of Music    
College of Culture and Tourism
Dept. of Tourism Management Dept. of Foodservice Management Dept. of Hotel Management
Dept. of Fashion Business Dept. of Korean Cuisine  
College of Education
Dept. of Korean Language Education Dept. of English Language Education Dept. of Secondary Special Education
Dept. of Classical Chinese Language Education Dept. of Home Economics Education Dept. of Science Education
Dept. of Mathematics Education Dept. of Education